Category Archives: Ask The GI

Colonoscopy Bad For Gut Health?

Tabatha: I have spent years rebuilding my gut after reading your book, The Microbiome Solution. After 4 years of amazing health, I’m afraid of the damage that my next colonoscopy might do to my rebuilt gut microbiome. Should I be concerned and how can I still do my scheduled colonoscopies with the least amount of […]

Should I Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements?

Madeline: I’m wondering if there is a benefit to taking digestive enzymes, especially since I’m over 60. I’ve read that we create less enzymes as we age. I seem to have more gas since either just getting older or maybe it’s menopause. Dr. Chutkan: You are correct Madeline, we make fewer digestive enzymes as we […]

Constipation & Bloat… Help!

Allen: I experience constipation and bloat more than I feel regular and normal. I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, with the exception of enjoying a few alcoholic beverages and eating out on weekends. I have a very well rounded diet filled with veggies, fruits, grains, and protein. I exercise 5-6 days a week. I avoid […]

I Want To Stop Taking My Reflux Meds – Is There An Alternative?

Recently diagnosed with esophagitis and reflux, my doctor recommends I take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the rest of my life, but I’d prefer to use alternatives, such as a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction. Is this possible? -Dan Dr. Chutkan: Dan, you’re on the right track in being cautious of lifelong PPI use. Stomach acid […]

I Want To Go Low Carb To Lose Weight – Should I?

I’m trying to lose weight and I keep stumbling upon the keto diet and other low carb options for weight loss. What’s your opinion on diets that limit or completely eliminate carbohydrates? Would it be ok for me to do a 4-week crash keto diet, then slowly reintroduce carbs? -Keri Dr. Chutkan: Keri, growing a […]

Alcohol & Gut Health: How Much Should I (Or Shouldn’t I) Drink?

I really enjoy having a drink in the evenings, but I’ve seen a lot of new information about alcohol and its detrimental health effects when consumed at any level. How much should I (or shouldn’t I) drink, and if it’s okay to drink in moderation, what form of alcohol should I choose?  -Adam Dr. Chutkan: Adam, I […]